Climate change and flood risk in Irish cities as mapped by European Environment Agency (EEA)
“Eye on Earth,” an online mapping tool from the EEA, shows the mean percentage of each European city covered with impervious surfaces such as buildings, concrete or asphalt, where the soil is ‘sealed’. During heavy rain, cities may be flooded if the water cannot drain quickly into the ground and the sewage system in cities cannot cope with the amount of water. Increased flooding is likely to be one of the most serious effects from climate change in Europe over coming decades.
A high amount of artificial areas also increases the temperature in cities.
The EEA notes that it is important to be aware that soil sealing is only one factor contributing to increased risk of urban flooding.
The map provides the mean percent soil sealing of the urbanised area of the following cities on the island of Ireland:
Waterford: 69.53%
Belfast: 57.22%
Limerick: 53.80%
Dublin: 51.79%
Lisburn: 46.82%
Galway: 44.90%
Cork: 43.81%
Derry: 38.12%
For contrast, Glasgow is 45.96%; London is 45.40%; and, Paris is 74.47%
For the EyeOnEarth map, see:
See also the Listing on the irish environment homepage for the First Eye on Earth User Conference in Dublin March 4-6, 2013
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