Videos from YouTube on environmental topics. Updated first of each month.
Videos from YouTube on environmental topics. Updated first of each month.
Irish EPA’s assessment of the overall quality of Ireland’s environment: the good, the bad and the encouraging
1 Jan 2021The last primeval forest in Europe is reconstructed virtually, it goes viral, then is virtually destroyed, leaving one virtual tree standing. A viral lesson
1 Dec 2020Natural regeneration by connecting native woodlands
1 Nov 2020Why so few care about the disaster known as climate change
1 Oct 2020In these stressful times it’s important to take a moment for ourselves. To tune out of the news cycle, tune into nature, and relax.
1 Sep 2020Using water-refilling stations and special edition reusable stainless steel bottles
1 Aug 2020Having trouble sleeping? Feeling guilty about lying around all day not knowing what to do with yourself? Check out the seals.
1 May 2020Trump’s attempt to build a seawall at Doonbeg rejected by Irish planning authority
1 Apr 2020Instead of warming, arctic ice loss could turn Europe’s weather a lot colder – from Tomo News
1 Mar 2020In the mid-1980’s, thick ice covered one-third of the Arctic; today, it accounts for just over one percent of the area.
1 Feb 2020Trees that grow in form of furniture, toothpaste without tubes, re-useable swabs, planting 350 million trees in 12 hours
1 Jan 2020The local Mapuche community’s claim that the oil and gas industry has irreversibly damaged their ancestral homeland, and with it their traditional ways of life
1 Dec 2019She attributes her hyperfocus and “outside-the-box thinking” to being on the autism spectrum, viewing her condition as an advantage for addressing the current climate crisis
1 Nov 2019An animated short film created to raise awareness of the effects of plastic pollution on turtles and other species of marine wildlife
1 Oct 2019Interview with Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion on its birth, theory and practices
1 Sep 20193rd place in the Primary School’s Environmental Theme Song Competition (sung by Mia Black with Melody of Bruno Mars, Count on Me)
1 Aug 2019What the Green New Deal Resolution in US Congress is trying to do
1 Jul 2019Hippocrates Health Institute
1 Jun 2019Save The Waves Coalition and environmental partners opposing Donald Trump’s seawall in Doonbeg, Ireland.
1 Apr 2019Fast fashion has become one of the biggest sources of pollution in the world.
1 Mar 2019Blow up an old ship, sink it and create a vibrant reef
1 Feb 2019