You are invited to debate and build an agenda for Irish, EU and world leaders on the Ireland we want and the world we want.

Ireland is growing more unequal, poverty is deepening, unemployment continues at an unacceptable level, and emigration is in full flow. We need a new model of development for Ireland and a new set of goals to guide and shape national strategy and public policy.

This event will identify a set of development goals for Ireland and for the wider world based on values of equality, environmental sustainability, social justice and participation.

Ireland holds the Presidency of the European Union just as the EU develops its policy position on what should follow the Millenium Development Goals of the United Nations.

This event provides an opportunity to influence the debate on the goals that should shape the future for Ireland and for the wider world. The conclusions from the event will be presented to EU Development Ministers prior to their May Council meeting.

Lunch will be provided

Saturday, 20th April 2013

RDS, Dublin


For more information, see forum?utm_source=tweetdeck&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=general







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