Videotaped conversations on environmental issues. Updated first of each month.

Twist: Artists against climate change (

Artists and their connections with glaciers, forests and the deep sea in Switzerland, Siberia and Brighton (30 minutes)



European Environment Bureau on insufficient money for climate action


1 Jun 2024

Europe’s Climate in 2025 – from Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)

An accessible explanation of the variations in temperature and precipitation as well as the extreme climate events that European inhabitants...


1 May 2024

Carbon Calamity – a climate solution rap battle

UN Environment Program


1 Apr 2024

For first time, global warming has exceeded 1.5C over 12 months – DW

For the first time the world was 1.5 degrees warmer compared to pre-industrial times


1 Mar 2024

Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.

Living within planetary boundaries is the most promising strategy for ensuring a healthy future


1 Feb 2024

If Antarctic melts, who actually survives?

What would happen to coastal cities around the world if Antarctica were to melt


1 Jan 2024

How green is the energy revolution really? – The Economist

How fast is the world moving towards a green future


1 Dec 2023

The need for carbon removal is clear, but how – Grist

Should we pull carbon out of the air with trees, or machines? It’s not as simple as it sounds


1 Nov 2023

What the Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know | Al Gore | TED (7 August 2023) – 25:44min

Gore's searing indictment of fossil fuel companies for walking back their climate commitments


1 Sep 2023

How this country [Australia] became a climate villain – Deutsche Welle (DW)

Australia doesn't make sense: scorched by fires and drowned by floods; full of sun, wind, water, land, minerals and money...


1 Jul 2023

George Monbiot debunks Russell Brand’s far-right farming conspiracy theories: The Correction

On the Dutch government’s new law to reduce harmful nitrate pollution in livestock farming - from Sentient Media


1 Jun 2023

Earth Day 2023: Johan Rockstrom’s Quest for a Healthy Planet

Preserving planetary boundaries


1 May 2023

Green Hydrogen – Climate Hype or Hope? – DW documentary

Is green hydrogen the answer to the climate crisis?


1 Apr 2023

Lapland – The last primeval forests

Can Lapland’s primeval forests be saved? - DW Documentary


1 Mar 2023

Have We Made ANY Progress on Climate Change? Here’s The Data, You Decide – PBS Terra

Doomsday may seem like it's right around the corner - is it?


1 Jan 2023

The race for the Arctic is ramping up. Here’s why – DW Planet A

Status of dangers and efforts to protect the arctic environment - from DW Planet A


1 Dec 2022

Joe Rogan with David Wallace-Wells on “The Long Term Effects of Climate Change”

The dire consequences of this sweltering, unsettled earth


1 Nov 2022

What Will Earth Look Like When These 6 Tipping Points Hit?

How tipping points are getting closer and closer, and then what happens


1 Oct 2022

Europe Has Zero Minerals (from Into Europe)

Critical Raw Materials are now the focus of a new gold rush in a race for technological and economic supremacy.


1 Sep 2022

Europe’s climate in 2050 (UN)

UN researchers explain in an accessible way the variations in temperature and precipitation as well as the extreme climate events...


1 Aug 2022