Videotaped conversations on environmental issues. Updated first of each month.

Twist: Artists against climate change (

Artists and their connections with glaciers, forests and the deep sea in Switzerland, Siberia and Brighton (30 minutes)


Crypto and NFTs Are Environmental Disasters…But Do They Have to Be?

The wild wacky world of cypro currency and NFTs - get a glimpse


1 Jun 2022

Climate solutions are here! Let’s go! – IPCC latest critical report with solutions

IPCC climate solutions science report AR6 WGIII - from Greenpeace


1 May 2022

Why the US isn’t ready for clean energy

Making clean energy isn’t enough: We also have to move it


1 Apr 2022

SLAPP lawsuits: A slap in the face of democracy & rule of law | DW News

Polluters' attempt to intimidate environmentalists through expensive lawsuits


1 Mar 2022

See what three degrees C of global warming looks like – The Economist

Three degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels would be catastrophic, and this film shows you what it would look like.


1 Feb 2022

Ungreen windpower: Sámi indigenous perspectives on development of wind farms from beginning to end

Sámi experience with problematic development of wind farms from start to finish


1 Jan 2022

Experts see no environmental bonus from the COVID pandemic – DW

Post COP26: Plastic masks, emissions, deforestation


1 Dec 2021

Keep fighting: Greenpeace 50 years of hope in action

We have to keep fighting


1 Nov 2021

The climate science behind wildfires: why are they getting worse?

Why wildfires are raging across the world


1 Sep 2021

Fit for 55: Too Much, Too Soon? Too Little, Too Late? from DW

Some pros and cons of the EU Fit for 55 program


1 Aug 2021

Why Lawns Must Die

All the reasons why lawns are counter productive


30 Jun 2021

Ireland’s Boglands | A Hidden Wilderness – The Ethnographer

An intimate look at Irish bogs


1 Jun 2021

EU climate law explained: Europe wants to hit carbon net-zero – but by when?

What is happening with the proposed EU Climate Law


1 May 2021

Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context: the Espoo Convention (UNECE)

Obligations of Parties to assess the environmental impact of certain activities at an early stage of planning, and continuing consultation...


1 Apr 2021

Nuclear energy: A (not so) necessary evil – with Alix Mazounie, Greenpeace France

With Alix Mazounie, Energy Transition Campaigner, Greenpeace France


1 Mar 2021

Sharon Turner on Covid-19 and Lessons and Decision Making Reform

Lessons to be learned from Covid-19 experience for dealing with environmental crises


1 Feb 2021

Denmark to end all gas and oil exploration by 2050

Helene Hagel, Head of Climate and Environmental Policy at Greenpeace Denmark, on Denmark's commitment to phase out all oil and...


1 Jan 2021

Dr Peter Carter | Expert IPPC Reviewer

How very, very, very bad things are getting for dealing with climate breakdown


1 Dec 2020

Ariel Brunner of Birdlife International on “Saving Europe’s Environmental Laws”

On saving the critical EU Birds and Habitats Directives


1 Nov 2020

The rise of eco-anxiety

Amid a dizzying array of warnings about the state of the planet, Down to Earth, from French public broadcast service,...


1 Oct 2020

George Monbiot Debunks Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans

“Rich white people blaming poor brown people for an environmental problem mainly created by rich white people”


1 Sep 2020

New warning over climate change from Siberian Arctic – BBC News

Stark new findings of an international team of scientists led by the UK Met Office


1 Aug 2020

The Air We Breathe – Greenpeace

Top experts in air pollution discuss the causes and solutions to toxic air that continues to kill people across the...


1 Jul 2020