Wishes for 2018
Some hopeful, some desperate
Our wishes for 2018
Better health for ourselves and those we are close to
More protection for those who are vulnerable to threats from forces and events they did not cause, such as environmental disasters, extreme weather events or nuclear war.
The photo captures a boy carrying his dead brother on his shoulders while he waits for his turn at the crematory following the nuclear bomb attack at Nagasaki, Japan. Photo taken by US Marine photographer Joe O’Donnell. Pope Francis is having cards printed and distributed showing a 1945 photo of victims of the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki along with the words “the fruit of war.”
Woodlands and seas and valleys and mountains and lakes and rivers that give us pleasure, even joy
An Irish government that develops some courage to make concrete decisions on specific actions for addressing climate change, despite the burdens those actions will have on voters — building owners, farmers, drivers of cars and trucks, all of us
Northern Irish politicians who stop acting out what we witnessed from them in the 1970s and 1980s and 1990s
A more suitable home for T-Rex:
Mental hospital in West Virginia coal country
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