The term “sequester” derives from the Latin prepostion ‘secus’ meaning ‘beside’ or alongside.’  In the legal field it applies to the process of keeping jurors apart from others to prevent outside influences on a verdict in a trial.






In science it refers to the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide. It is one method of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with the goal of reducing global climate change. The presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere comes primarily from the waste of animals (passing gas) and from human energy production.

The separation is typically done by capturing and storing the carbon dixode.  And there are two forms of carbon sequestration.  The first is geologic, where the carbon dioxide is stored in underground geologic formations and it is pressurized until it becomes a liquid, and then injected into porous rock formations in geologic basins.   The process is used to increase oil recovery.  The second form is biologic carbon sequestration where the carbon from the atmosphere is stored in vegetation, soils, woody products and water.  Trees are a particular common source of stored carbon.


Some further ideas to explore on Carbon Sequestration:

What has been the most successful means of reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

What areas of your country are most useful for geologic carbon sequestration?

What activities in your country most influence biologic carbon sequestration?



Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Sequester (verb),

“What is carbon sequestration?” US Geologic Survey (USGS).

“DOE Explains…Carbon Sequestration,” US Dept of Energy


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