The term refers to a system for measuring and certifying the sustainability of landscape and outdoor space projects.  To qualify the landscape or outdoor projects are required to enhance biodiversity, conserve natural resources, protect critical ecosystems and mitigate climate change.   The system applies to all manner of outdoors, with or without buildings, and including streetscapes, campuses, residential neighborhoods, even yards.

SITES is similar to the LEED architectural program for certifying the sustainability of a building.  While both the LEED and SITES include provisions for mitigating climate change, the LEED program focuses on energy issues and the SITES on biodiversity and carbon storage capacities.


Some further ideas to explore on SITES:

Identify the nearest landscape or other project that has obtained a SITES certification.

Determine what requirements the project had to meet to obtain SITES certification.

Identify the benefits to the ecosystem at and about the site, and to efforts to control climate change.



SITES, The Sustainable SITES

American Society of Landscape Architects, The Sustainable SITES Initiative® (SITES®)

U.S. Green Building Council, LEED rating system:The most widely used green building rating

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