The term refers to work arrangements where employees do not physically commute to a work place by some means of transportation. Rather the employee works at home (or coffee shop, library, co-working spaces like WeWork) using information technologies, or telecommunications, to produce work and to share that work with others. The practice is also called working from home, remote work, mobile work, or teleworking. Some work from home on a full-time basis, others do it for part of their work load.
Rather than the person physically commuting, the data and information travel to the work place. Such an arrangement reduces the time, expenses and environmental impacts incurred by actual commuting. For example, in the UK the average person spends 60-80 minutes getting to and from work, and transportation accounts for about a quarter of greenhouse gases (GHGs).
Telecommuting results for many in a more productive and happier work experience and it can save employers substantial costs (on office rentals, as well as furniture and support services). Of course, not all people are comfortable, or as productive, working at home.
Some further ideas to explore on Telecommuting:
If you could telecommute, do you have a private or quiet space at home to do the work. Do you need a quiet or private space to do your work?
Calculate how much money you would spend if you worked at your office or place of work, and how much you would spend if you worked at home.
Calculate how much time you would save each month by working at home. How much is that worth to you?
Alison Doyle, “What Is Telecommuting?” The Balances Careers (16 March 2020).
Andrea Loubier, “Benefits Of Telecommuting For The Future Of Work,” Forbes (20 July 2017).
Dawn S. Onley, “How Telecommuting Helps the Environment,” SHRM (29 April 2015).
Julian Vigo, “Is telecommuting good for the environment?” The Ecologist (26 April 2019).
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