Barry Commoner, May He Rest in Peace: 1917 – 2012

Barry Commoner died Sunday September 30 at the age of 95 in New York. The New York Times front-page obituary first read, “Saw an Earth at Risk and Let the World Know.” Barry was to many US environmentalists what Rachel Carson was: a real hero. First famous for his early opposition to nuclear bombs because of the radioactive fallout that filled baby teeth in thousands of children with strontium 90, he remained through his long life determined to make things right for the rest of us. And he never let go of his devotion to facts, clear thinking, and feisty behavior. He was also a charming good-looking guy.

You never looked too lightly on anything Barry talked about as reflected in this recent photo.


Photo by Zoey Laskaris ©

See full Obituary of Barry Commoner on the front page of the New York Times (Oct.2, 2012).


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