Videos from YouTube on environmental topics. Updated first of each month.


NGOs demand action on EU sustainable food systems


Honest Government Ad | Net Zero by 2050 (feat. Greta Thunberg)

  This “ad” uses the F… word a lot. You’re warned (It’s very funny). With a guest appearance by Greta Thunberg


1 Jun 2022

The Story of Paper Tissues

Wong Cheuk Yin Cayden from St Columbas College, Co. Dublin is the winner of EPA The Story of Your Stuff Competition for 2022


1 May 2022

About Clean Cities

Clean Cities Campaign, a European coalition aiming to encourage cities to transition to zero-emission mobility by 2030.


1 Apr 2022

Five Minutes of Serenity in Rainforests – Greenpeace

In these stressful times, take 5 quiet moments and spend the time in rainforests


1 Mar 2022

Pinpointing levels and sources of air pollution (even across the street) with portable air sensors

Using hand held portable air monitors to pinpoint sources of pollution


1 Feb 2022

Why are Protesters Mourning the EU Taxonomy?

Should the EU allow some natural-gas and nuclear energy projects to be labeled as green investments in its sustainable investment Toxonomy


1 Jan 2022

Uncovering polluters’ offsetting scams – Greenpeace

Offsetting and net zero scams are the new climate denial… and they have dangerous consequences


1 Dec 2021

Livestock Create a Major Methane Problem – Racing Extinction

Watch a cow fill a garbage bag with methane.


1 Nov 2021

Story of a plastic bottle – Greenpeace

Continuing failure to deal with plastic bottles


1 Oct 2021

Greenpeace Day Music

Our earth in a balance?


1 Sep 2021

Natural Capital on Farmland

What is Natural Capital Accounting – and how can it be applied by farmers to help conserve and protect nature and wildlife?


1 Aug 2021

The tipping points that could change the Earth forever – Grist

How close are we to a climate tipping point?


30 Jun 2021

Wasteminster: A Downing Street Disaster – by Greenpeace

UK dumping off its plastic pollution to other countries where it causes serious health problems and adverse effects on oceans and wildlife


1 Jun 2021

Earth Day 2021: Road to Recovery – American Museum of Natural History

Lessons from the coronavirus pandemic for the fight against climate change


26 Apr 2021

Netflix, Streaming and Dirty Energy – Time to Stop (Greenpeace)

Netflix, a giant streaming video, uses dirty energies, like coal, to power its servers, and our streaming. Greenpeace is asking Netflix to give up the polluting energies


1 Apr 2021

This tiny model town shows how we could achieve 100% clean energy – by Grist

Grist built a tiny model town to show what it would look like if we tried to transition to 100% clean energy. In the real world, it can be even more difficult.


1 Mar 2021

Net zero climate plans, explained – by Grist

When is Net Zero not Net Zero


1 Feb 2021

Ireland’s Environment – An Integrated Assessment 2020

Irish EPA’s assessment of the overall quality of Ireland’s environment: the good, the bad and the encouraging


1 Jan 2021

Bialowieza Forest: The Last Primeval Forest in Europe – To The Last Tree Standing (Greenpeace)

The last primeval forest in Europe is reconstructed virtually, it goes viral, then is virtually destroyed, leaving one virtual tree standing. A viral lesson


1 Dec 2020

Natural Regeneration of Irish Native Woodlands – by @rayofoghlu on Twitter

Natural regeneration by connecting native woodlands


1 Nov 2020

SNL Weekend Update: U.N.’s Climate Change Report (2018)

Why so few care about the disaster known as climate change


1 Oct 2020

Greenpeace Serenity Segment: Aerial

In these stressful times it’s important to take a moment for ourselves. To tune out of the news cycle, tune into nature, and relax.


1 Sep 2020

The Open Water Initiative – replacing single-plastic water bottles at The Open Golf Championships

Using water-refilling stations and special edition reusable stainless steel bottles


1 Aug 2020