The 2nd National Smart Cities Summit
September 25th 2012

Croke Park Conference Centre

Topics to be addressed at The 2nd National Smart Cities Summit include:

Achieving smart cities and communities in Ireland
Connected smart cities
Clean-tech innovation and enterprise
Case study on Copenhagen’s smart transport policies
Case study on UCC’s smart building initiatives
Carbon neutral cities
Smart and connected urban mobility
Smart Grids
Smart Buildings
Energy Efficiency
Benchmarking Irish cities against international cities

Who Should Attend?   The audience at The 2nd National Smart Cities Summit will include:

Senior management from local government sectors such as planning, urban development, infrastructure, ICT & sustainability
Relevant policy-makers & advisors in national and local government
CEOs, CIOs & Heads of Sustainability in key industries such as electricity, water & transport
Senior decision makers in energy, telecoms and broadband
Engineering, environmental, economic & management consultants
Financiers & investors

Notice provided by Cork Environmental Forum at


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