“Nature’s Call – Dordán Dúlra” documents an outdoor art exhibition consisting of artwork based on the theme of nature and the importance of our green and marine environments by the pupils of Ceathrú Thaidhg primary school in northwest County Mayo. With two dedicated teachers and 31 pupils, this small rural school is located in a Gaeltacht or Irish-speaking community.

The unique character and beauty of the lands, seas, skyscapes and wildlife within North County Mayo are in joyous evidence in the children’s artwork. All of the children’s drawings are being projected using special lighting onto an outdoor screen at nightfall.

This video includes music by Martin Hayes and Dennis Cahill.

The images can be viewed in a downloadable 38-page booklet, in Gaeltacht and English; and in three separate galleries, from ages 5 thru 7, 8 thru 10, and 11 thru 13, all available on Ecology Global Network at http://www.ecology.com/2013/03/15/nature%E2%80%99s-call-dordan-dulra/

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