Videotaped conversations on environmental issues. Updated first of each month.

Twist: Artists against climate change (

Artists and their connections with glaciers, forests and the deep sea in Switzerland, Siberia and Brighton (30 minutes)



European Environment Bureau on insufficient money for climate action


1 Jun 2024

Europe’s Climate in 2025 – from Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)

An accessible explanation of the variations in temperature and precipitation as well as the extreme climate events that European inhabitants...


1 May 2024

Carbon Calamity – a climate solution rap battle

UN Environment Program


1 Apr 2024

Is the weather running AMOC in Ireland

Will Ireland be transformed into Iceland?


1 Mar 2024

The Times Beach, Missouri dioxin disaster and how it ended the career of Ronald Reagan’s Head of the US EPA, Anne Gorsuch Burford

Her son is US Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, who seems dedicated to following his mother in undermining the US...


1 Feb 2024

If Antarctic melts, who actually survives?

What would happen to coastal cities around the world if Antarctica were to melt


1 Jan 2024

How green is the energy revolution really? – The Economist

How fast is the world moving towards a green future


1 Dec 2023

Hydrogen heating: future fuel or throwback?

Assessing purported benefits of green hydrogen gas for home heating


1 Oct 2023

What the Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know | Al Gore | TED (7 August 2023) – 25:44min

Gore's searing indictment of fossil fuel companies for walking back their climate commitments


1 Sep 2023

The Irish Farmers Association seems annoyed

Their unfolding attacks on Pádraic Fogarty and the Irish EPA


1 Aug 2023

How this country [Australia] became a climate villain – Deutsche Welle (DW)

Australia doesn't make sense: scorched by fires and drowned by floods; full of sun, wind, water, land, minerals and money...


1 Jul 2023

George Monbiot debunks Russell Brand’s far-right farming conspiracy theories: The Correction

On the Dutch government’s new law to reduce harmful nitrate pollution in livestock farming - from Sentient Media


1 Jun 2023

Earth Day 2023: Johan Rockstrom’s Quest for a Healthy Planet

Preserving planetary boundaries


1 May 2023

Green Hydrogen – Climate Hype or Hope? – DW documentary

Is green hydrogen the answer to the climate crisis?


1 Apr 2023

Lapland – The last primeval forests

Can Lapland’s primeval forests be saved? - DW Documentary


1 Mar 2023

Have We Made ANY Progress on Climate Change? Here’s The Data, You Decide – PBS Terra

Doomsday may seem like it's right around the corner - is it?


1 Jan 2023

The race for the Arctic is ramping up. Here’s why – DW Planet A

Status of dangers and efforts to protect the arctic environment - from DW Planet A


1 Dec 2022

Peter Lehner and Nathan Rosenberg, “Farming for Our Future: Opportunities Abound”

How agriculture can be transformed to help stabilize our climate.


1 Nov 2022

What Will Earth Look Like When These 6 Tipping Points Hit?

How tipping points are getting closer and closer, and then what happens


1 Oct 2022

Barry McMullin, Andrew Jackson, Paul R. Price and John Sweeney, “Irish Sectoral Emissions Ceilings under the first Carbon Budget Programme: Flawed both in law and in science”

The Irish government's flaws in dealing with Sectoral Emissions Ceilings under the first Carbon Budget Programme  


1 Sep 2022

Wildlife Bridges

Bridges over, or under, road systems to reduce roadkill and preserve access to habitats


1 May 2022

Michael Northrop, “Financing fails to deliver at COP26”

Finance is uniquely positioned to save the planet, but has already financed 1.5֯ C of warming,


1 Mar 2022