Summary of agency and organisation reports. Updated first of each month.
Summary of agency and organisation reports. Updated first of each month.
Not just coal, but peat and wood are major contributors to particulate matter pollution in small towns in Ireland
1 Aug 2020Report on how to defend the defendants of the environment
1 Jul 2020Report from Friends of the Earth Ireland on why and how subsidies for gas are causing more GHGs and environmental harms.
1 Jun 2020A study of environmental racism against Roma communities in Central and Eastern Europe by European Environmental Bureau (EEB), the European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network (ERGO) and Environmental Justice
1 May 2020EEA report on the viability of transport options for short distance travel in cities, as well as ways of making urban freight transport more sustainable.
1 Apr 2020Land use policies that will be necessary for reaching the UK commitment for a Net Zero economy by 2050.
1 Mar 2020Climate policies and actions must deliver relief for those least at fault and most at risk from climate breakdown
1 Feb 2020The Irish government current positions on climate action seem like Green Washing rather than any substantive change of heart or mind.
1 Jan 2020Transformative tech fixes in transport are necessary but insufficient, as zero emissions and smart urban planning are also required
1 Dec 2019The report reminds us that all our climate problems are not only above us in the atmosphere, but also under our feet on the land and its soil.
1 Nov 2019Leading Irish environmental media critic on media and environment over past 10 years in Ireland
1 Sep 2019How people are trying to structure litigation to hold those responsible for the GHGs that are driving climate emergencies
1 Aug 2019Climate breakdown demands not just environmental policies but also a transformation to an economy that is more prosperous, more just, and more sustainable than ever before
1 Jul 2019The Oireachtas takes on a stronger role in holding the Government and public bodies to account for climate actions
1 Jun 2019Driving a vehicle causes polluting emissions that create health risks and acerbates climate changes. But idling the vehicle can be just as destructive.
1 May 2019Describing the worst country in Europe, and 48th out of 60 countries, on climate change performance as a laggard is a bit of an understatement
1 Apr 2019Report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) on environmental health risks that disproportionately impact people with lower incomes and education, and higher unemployment, and what is being done and not done to protect these vulnerable people
1 Mar 2019Report by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) on how access to justice in the courts is being hindered in EU Member States
1 Feb 2019A new report on the UK endless cycle of delays, prevarication and uncertainty in dealing with infrastructure reforms
1 Jan 2019A recent report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) on the toxic mercury rising in the environment creating health risks, as well as adverse effects on wildlife
1 Dec 2018“Sustainable development” has been translated into “Just Transition” to reflect the recognition that the labor market and community is undergoing a structural transition as a result of climate change
27 Oct 2018Public chargers are used for only 5% of charging events, while charging cars at home and/or at work supply the rest
1 Oct 2018A forceful stance on the Irish government’s continual refusal to address the corrective measures to put a stop to the increasing GHG emissions.
1 Sep 2018