Friends of the Earth is very excited and honoured to welcome the Chair of Friends of the Earth International, Nnimmo Bassey as our guest to Ireland this August. While here he will speak at events in Leitrim, Mayo and Dublin. Nnimmo is an award-winning environmental activist and is best known for his organisation’s work to prevent and reverse the negative impacts of Shell’s activities in Nigeria. Indefatigably, Bassey has stood up against the practices of Shell and other multinationals in his country, often taking great personal risks to protect his environment and community from destruction. He is a truly inspirational activist and we are extremely honoured by his visit.

Nnimmo is here to meet and speak with communities opposing extractive industries in Ireland and share his insights from resisting Shell in Nigeria. Nnimmo will speak at three events during his trip.

On Monday the 20th of August Nnimmo will speak in the Peacock Theatre in Dublin at 7pm. Please register for this event, spaces are limited. Nnimmo will be joined on the panel by activists from Mayo and Leitrim. The evening will be chaired by our Director Oisín Coghlan and the activists on the panel will share their experiences and reflections of protecting their communities from destruction by multinational energy corporations.

 See Events listings for other appearances by Nnimmo Bassey in Ireland in August.

For more information and registration for the events, see:  Nnimmo Bassey, award-winning Nigerian environmentalist speaking in Ireland this August  at Friends of the Earth

Previous articleNnimmo Bassey, award-winning Nigerian environmentalist and Chair of Friends of the Earth International speaking in Glenamoy, Co. Mayo Next articleWhat If, Why Not? - adventure and enviornmental film festival, Galway City, November 23rd and 24th

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