Analysis and opinion on environmental issues. Updated first of each month.

The State of European Transport 2024

An overview of the EU’s largest climate problem


EEA, Europe’s air quality status 2022

The status of concentrations of pollutants in ambient air in 2020 and 2021 by pollutant, with both EU air quality standards and the WHO guidelines


1 May 2022

EEA, Europe’s groundwater — a key resource under pressure

On World Water Day 22 March 2022, an overview of the state of groundwater in the EU


1 Apr 2022

Michael Northrop, “Financing fails to deliver at COP26”

Finance is uniquely positioned to save the planet, but has already financed 1.5֯ C of warming,


1 Mar 2022

An Taisce action on Kilkenny cheese factory planning decision

An Tasice’s role in protecting the heritage and environment of Ireland


1 Feb 2022

T&E, “That inedible dish called the EU Taxonomy”

Trying to preserve the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities and warding off greenwashing


1 Jan 2022

EU Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly, “Ethical lobbying in a post-COVID world”

If enough people want to change an approach, want to redefine ethical lobbying in a post-COVID-19, climate-challenged world, then change can happen.


1 Oct 2021

Nick Evans and Matthias Duwe, “The contribution of national advisory bodies to climate policy in Europe (EEA)”

Growing importance of national climate advisory councils across Europe


1 Sep 2021

EEB, “Why EU’s ‘Fit for 55’ is unfit and unfair”

The European Commission’s ‘Fit for 55’ package is high on planet-saving rhetoric but low on ambition.


30 Jun 2021

Transport & Environment, “Electric car batteries need far less raw materials than fossil-fuel cars – study”

An electric vehicle (EV) battery uses up just 30kg of raw materials with recycling compared to the 17,000 litres of petrol burned by the average car.


1 Jun 2021

Kayle Crosson, Some Commentary on Pending Irish Climate Bill

Getting up to speed on the new pending Irish Climate Bill


1 May 2021

Frank Convery and Thomas Sterner, “Framing the Challenge Towards a Deep Climate Collaboration (China, European Union, India, US) – DCC4”

On getting the four largest greenhouse gas emitters (China, the European Union, India and the US) to find ways to collaborate on climate action


1 Apr 2021

Ciara Brennan, James Orr, Peter Doran, Alison Hough, Dean Blackwood & Laura Neal, ‘Delivering environmental justice in NI and on the island of Ireland: A briefing for the Department of Justice NI’

Overcoming barriers to environmental justice in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, with some urgent priorities for the NI Department of Justice


1 Mar 2021

Marie Toussaint, “Environmental racism and the quest for justice”

The continuing struggle for environmental justice and against racism


1 Feb 2021

Marie-Amélie Brun, “NGO’s access to justice made easier but not guaranteed”

On proposed change to Aarhus regulation that NGOs can only challenge decisions that apply to individuals


1 Jan 2021

Moisio, M. et al., Overview of recently adopted mitigation policies and climate-relevant policy responses to COVID-19: 2020 update – from PBL et al.

The interplay between recent mitigation policies across all sectors and COVID-19 response measures


1 Nov 2020

William Todts, “Think global, act local to transform cities but also the planet”

The idea that cities should be designed for cars is long dead.


1 Oct 2020

James FitzGerald, “Home Turf”

Balancing bogs as museums, that present an unrivaled historical and ecological record, and as living landscapes.


1 Sep 2020

James FitzGerald, “Wings over Ireland”

Some hopes and woes for Ireland’s birds


1 Aug 2020

James FitzGerald, “Agriculture Under Ireland’s New Coalition”

Environmentalists will have to remain vigilant and ensure that the new Irish coalition sharpens its commitments on climate policies impacting agriculture


1 Jul 2020

“Uber pollutes more than the cars it replaces – US scientists”

Ride-hailing services like Uber are increasing car travel, climate emissions and traffic congestion, according to a new US study.


2 Jun 2020